Whats new pussycat

For the love of sauce,

We present to you the latest introduction to the saucy condiment world.

Robert the Pus, has been created to take you all on a cultural spice trip.

Following the old Silk Road all the way to Hong Kong. The homeland of all things Asian and tasty. Also my dearly beloved Fawn. She hails from the “fragrant harbour”.

At home we have a very spicy addiction. In the form of Chinese toasted hot sauce. We’ve decided as a homage to Twiggy’s mother country to bring you.

Meouw that’s hot.

Roasted garlic and Thai red chilli oil. Blended and salted chilli’s are oven roasted with chopped garlic to give one lip smacking super babe of a sauce. She’ll leave yer lips red after one kiss and lingering for another taste.

You guys are going to really dig this and it will be freely shoveled on to your next bowl of rice or drizzled into your fatty bowl of ramen to round of your day.

We created a lovely label with the help of our wee rising sun and pal Tida Bradshaw to bring it to life. The waving cat which is actually Japanese (ssssshhh) our Robert the Pus as we have named him, is said to bring fortune and prosperity into your life. Here at Hoots we love to love and we reckon the wee guy is a bit of us.

In this crazy world the very least we can offer you is a bit of prosperity. Long live the new sauce.

Launch date TBC.

Stay spicy out there and if you can’t love others, at least love yourselves.


Hoots Sauce